What’s happening with the Jindabyne activation precinct?

By Steve Whan

21 September 2023

Statement from Steve Whan Member for Monaro


The Jindabyne special activation precinct is a 40-year vision for how Jindabyne and our Alpine resorts will develop in a sustainable and productive way.  It is an exciting opportunity to get growth right, while protecting the natural values that make the area so attractive to both visitors and locals. 


A change of Government brings fresh eyes to processes and projects that may be bogged down or not what the community was really needing. The positive result of that is changes are being made to ensure critical investments are laser focused in delivering new services or infrastructure efficiently.


The Government’s first response was to address the concerns about how the Nationals used taxpayer funds for political purposes.  There were too many funds and little independent scrutiny or oversight.


The Minns Government’s first budget has boosted the investment in regional NSW and has ensured the funds from the Snowy Hydro sale, that are owed to regional NSW, are properly allocated. Unlike the previous Government, who spent country funds on the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Metro train. 


The Jindabyne special activation precinct will move to the implementation phase based on the master planning and consultation that has been undertaken. 


Over the next four years $196 million will be spent on the first projects.  This is separate to any funds allocated by the Commonwealth Government. 


Work is underway to review and prioritise projects. Engagement with key stakeholders, to hear their priorities and needs for the precinct, will start rolling out soon.


The precinct will continue to have a focus on housing supply, in line with the master plan to address housing shortages and housing diversity in Jindabyne.


This will be, and can be, balanced with preserving and maintaining the important environmental and heritage values of the Snowy Mountains.


The precinct will have a focus on community amenity and improving year-round tourism and employment, while connecting with the great Kosciuszko National Park.


The Southern Connector Road is an important aspect of the Snowy Mountains

precinct and will open land for housing and provide an alternative route to access the National Park and ski fields.  There is funding allocated in the budget for Transport for NSW to continue their planning for the road and developing a realistic cost estimate.


The Federal Government committed $100 million towards the delivery of the Southern Connector Road; however, it is important to note the Federal Government is currently undertaking their own infrastructure review. Recommendations from the Federal review should be known soon and will be a key consideration in the prioritisation of projects.


The Department of Planning and Environment are planning to exhibit the draft Delivery Plan and the Development Control Plans (Jindabyne and Alpine) before the end of the year.


I know the Government agencies who have been involved with the Plan appreciate the participation and input from the Community Advisory Group and the broader community. They, and I, will update the community as soon as possible in relation to timings around the next steps.


21 September 2023