Regional Roads Minister inspects progress on Monaro roads

Regional Roads Minister inspects progress on Monaro roads Main Image

By Jenny Aitchison - Minister for Regional Transport and Roads | Steve Whan - Member for Monaro

13 July 2023

Jenny Aitchison
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads

Steve Whan
Member for Monaro


Regional Roads Minister inspects progress on Monaro roads.

Thursday, 13 July 2023


Member for Monaro Steve Whan recently hosted the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison on a tour of the Monaro electorate.

Minister Aitchison visited Braidwood first, before stopping to inspect the intersection of Kings Highway and Nerriga Road with Steve Whan MP in Bungendore where $10 million has been committed to finalise sealing of Nerriga Road.

“It was great to see the roads motorists in this area are travelling on every day,” Ms Aitchison said.

“It is easy to see why Labor’s election commitments were needed.”

The Minister’s tour of state roads continued to Tarago Road, which is a local road where $3 million will be provided to Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council for rehabilitation, and then a final stop at the Ellerton Drive roundabout in Queanbeyan.

“The NSW Government has committed $10 million to upgrade the intersection of Yass, Bungendore and Ellerton roads as part of the $334 million Regional Roads Fund,” Ms Aitchison said.

“Traffic lights will be installed to ease congestion and improve safety at Queanbeyan East Public School.”

Member for Monaro Steve Whan said: “I’m very pleased to have Minister Aitchison back in Monaro confirming all our election commitments.  
Particularly positive is that planning has started for the upgrade of the Yass Road, Ellerton Drive intersection.

“Planning will finalise the design, cost, and timeframes. In the meantime, some improved line-marking will be undertaken to enhance flows at the intersection.”