Plans lodged to double new Jerrabomberra High School’s capacity

Plans lodged to double new Jerrabomberra High School’s capacity  Main Image

Friday, 4 August 2023

The new Jerrabomberra High School is on track for an expansion that will allow capacity for 1000 students, after a development application was lodged with the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council.

The first stage of the new permanent high school will be completed by the end of the year and will include 24 classrooms including three support learning classrooms, a new library, multi-purpose hall, canteen, sports courts, covered outdoor learning area (COLA), outdoor space and administration facilities.

The second stage of the build, which was an election commitment by the Minns Government, will allow the school’s permanent capacity to double, increasing from 500 to 1000 students.

Once approved, construction will commence on 18 additional classrooms, a new Vocational Education and Training (VET) kitchen and semi-commercial kitchen, a refurbishment of the initial build’s semi-commercial kitchen space into a science lab, additional staff facilities, a sport field, cricket nets, additional car and bike parking, and landscaping work.

Students in Years 7 and 8 have been learning in purpose built temporary facilities since the start of the year at nearby Jerrabomberra Public School, and will move into the new permanent high school from Day 1 Term 1 2024.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said:

“We promised we would double the capacity of the new Jerrabomberra High School, and the lodgement of the Development Application is the next step in achieving that goal.

“This will allow more local students in the Jerrabomberra community to get an education close to home and have the best facilities at their disposal.

“We are committed to seeing this project through, and it is delightful to see construction progressing.

“I can’t wait to see students learning out of the new permanent facilities from Day 1 Term 1 2024.”

Member for Monaro Steve Whan said:

“Jerrabomberra is a rapidly growing area, and I am proud the Minns Government is delivering this major build as the community expands.

“The community has expressed its passion for a school that will service families for years to come, and progress is being made that will see that dream become a reality.”