Interim NSW VET review released

By Steve Whan

25 March 2024

Steve Whan
Minister for Skills, TAFE, and Tertiary Education


Interim NSW VET Review Released

Monday, 25 March 2024

The NSW Government today released the Interim NSW VET Review into the state's vocational education and training sector.

A key election commitment of the NSW Labor Government, the Interim Report makes seven recommendations for rebuilding TAGE NSW and strengthening the wider vocational training sector.

The Report is an important step in restoring TAFE NSW which has been badly neglected for more than a decade by the previous Government.

Chaired by Dr Michele Bruniges AM, with the valuable support of Professor Verity Firth AM and Jason Ardler PSM, the Panel conducted an extensive consultation process over four months seeking input from Registered Training Organisations, teachers, students, government agencies, peak bodies, industry representatives, local businesses, councils, and universities. 

The Interim Report contains recommendations which the Government will seek to immediately implement, including the development of a TAFE NSW Charter which will set clear expectations as part of the process of TAFE reform. The Panel is expected to submit its final report to the Government by the middle of 2024 when the NSW Government will consider all recommendations in full.

A copy of Interim NSW VET Review can be accessed online: NSW vocational education and training (VET) review

Minister for Skills, TAFE, and Tertiary Education, Steve Whan said:

"The NSW Labor Government knows that to address the critical shortage of skilled workers, NSW needs a strong and sustainable vocational training system. 

"Over the next decade, NSW will need thousands of skilled professionals across healthcare, hospitality, construction, and burgeoning sectors like renewable energy.

"This report underscores the pivotal role of TAFE NSW in helping meet the skills needs of the NSW economy.

"I want to thank the VET Review Panel for its tireless work in leading this once-in-a-generation review of the NSW vocational training sector. This report sets the direction for an exciting future where TAFE - as Australia's biggest training provider - rebuilds and provides the core for meeting our need for skilled workers.

"The former Liberal National Government had an ideological fixation with running down TAFE and privatising training. Labor has stopped this, stabilised funding and will now embark on the rebuild. This report is the next stage in the NSW Labor Government's plans to place TAFE NSW at the heart of the vocational training system. 

"The NSW Government will consider the panel's recommendations alongside the final report mid-year. Meanwhile, the Government has begun work on crafting a new TAFE Charter, and I've asked TAFE NSW to fast-track work on a revised operating model that aligns courses with industry needs, enhances support for teachers and puts TAFE at the heart of communities."

Chair of the NSW VET Review, Dr Michele Bruniges AM said:

"I'm proud of the extensive consultation process conducted by our panel, which ensured diverse perspectives were heard and considered in shaping these recommendations.

"I would like to thank the Stakeholder Reference Group for its continued support in working with the panel to improve the quality and accessibility of vocational training in NSW.

"As we move forward, our focus remains on delivering a final report that provides a roadmap for a robust and responsive VET sector."