Budget delivers key election commitments for Queanbeyan Palerang area

By Steve Whan

19 September 2023

Media Release

Budget delivers key election commitments for Queanbeyan Palerang area


Member for Monaro, Steve Whan says the Minns Government’s first budget has provided the funding needed to deliver the key commitments Labor made to the electorate at the last election. 


Steve Whan said “I talked (probably ad nauseum) about the need to make sure we had the people working our essential services – about making sure that we have the teachers, nurses and essential services workers needed to provide the services to our residents.


“This budget does that in a responsible and planned way – without privatizing Government assets.


“It even sets aside a $3.6 billion fund to make sure we keep investing in essential services workers and in doing so, provide the services Monaro residents need.


“I’m also pleased to see the additional cost of living support. Targeted assistance for the people who need it most on energy costs is particularly important.


“The budget also delivers the funds for key projects Labor promised at the election:

  • Googong Highschool planning will progress with the school to be complete for first term 2027:
  • Stage 2 Jerrabomberra High will be built.
  • Planning is underway for upgrade of the Ellerton Drive / Kings Highway intersection.
  • Other roads projects funded include Nerriga Road, Briars Sharrow Bridge, Resches Creek bridge, the first part of funding for Tarago road upgrade and grants to council for noise studies on Ellerton Drive.
  • QPRC council will also receive $4.3 million from the emergency road repair fund.


“The budget will also deliver on our vital commitment to $600,000 funding for the Yvonne Cuschieri House respite project for Queanbeyan. This wonderful community driven project will provide respite for people with people with serious illness. 


“I do welcome the $7.5 million allocation for Queanbeyan sporting facilities.  This includes the promised Queanbeyan basketball expansion, new facilities at High Street Oval for Queanbeyan City Soccer club and other change room facilities. 


“We’ve been in Government for six months and this is our first budget, but I’ve seen a few budgets over the years, and I am very pleased that this one is about people.  It’s about recognizing that the State Government’s number one priority is to provide decent State services to the people of our region.”


19 September 2023